news & Press

ChinaBEV News Abraham Lin ChinaBEV News Abraham Lin

ChinaBEV News: The World’s Greatest Delivery Empire

Abey Lin, an aspiring director, arrived in Beijing mentally prepared for the hardships of the capital—the blackened air, the bitter winters, the government bans on Instagram and Snapchat. He wasn’t as thoroughly briefed on China’s new order of city living, but he’s quickly adapted. He mostly avoids his dorm cafeteria in favor of a steady supply of burgers, noodles, and cumin meat skewers available at any time, usually within 30 minutes.

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北美影视新秀林尚龙(Abey Lin)入学北京电影学院</a>
Lahoo Canada Abraham Lin Lahoo Canada Abraham Lin

北美影视新秀林尚龙(Abey Lin)入学北京电影学院

在北京电影学院新生入学时,有多家媒体记者都在学校里关注报道的新生,只为能第一时间抓拍到明星学员的面孔。被拍到的中国明星学员有吴磊、宋祖儿等。而国际交流学院入学新生中,18岁的美籍华人、北美影视新秀林尚龙(Abey Lin ),在家人和朋友们的陪伴下去报到,也颇引人注目。

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MAGZTER: Meituan - Country's Biggest Internet Giant
MAGZSTER Abraham Lin MAGZSTER Abraham Lin

MAGZTER: Meituan - Country's Biggest Internet Giant

In Beijing, it’s often cheaper to have food delivered than to get it yourself. Like, way cheaper. Abey Lin, a 19-year-old studying at Beijing Film Academy, uses his smartphone to order a local restaurant’s roast duck dish for 20 yuan (€2.60), about 80% less than it costs at the register, via delivery app Meituan.

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美国华裔学生创作电影屡获奖 感谢母亲让他重生 (aBEY LIN)
ChinaQW Abraham Lin ChinaQW Abraham Lin

美国华裔学生创作电影屡获奖 感谢母亲让他重生 (aBEY LIN)

中国侨网2月28日电 据美国《世界日报》报道,美国东湾拉法耶(Lafayette)18岁的华裔高中生林尚龙(Abraham‘Abey’ Lin)26日说,13年前妈妈的一个决定,几乎改变了他一生,帮他治愈疾病,专心创作和表演。一年来,他自编自导自演的短片《算什么男人》屡获大奖,包括旧金山国际环球电影节最佳短片奖、旧金山新概念国际电影节音乐短片奖、温哥华金枫叶国际电影节最佳新人奖等。

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